Sis He Is Doing a New Thing

Do you understand what it means when God states, behold I am doing a new thing?

Often in our walk with God, we look in places where God had blessed us previously, boxing in and limiting God. It’s vital that when walking with God we open our hearts and allow God to bless us in spaces that we least expect it.

Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:19 NKJV

He even says in the previous verse 18; to forget the things of old. We need a new mindset to see and receive what God has in store for us. God can’t pour into old wineskins it takes us to be pressed and stretched to increase our capacity. These old ways of thinking are the factor that is limiting us.

It is easy as a Christian to become complacent, thinking that we already know what God is going to do. However, time and time again through scripture God has provided in ways we least expected. He fed the Israelites with manna from heaven and He fed 5,000 men with two fishes and 5 loaves of bread. All these testimonies show that God knows how to make something from nothing. Instead of spending time worrying do these steps below…

3 ways to prepare your heart for the new thing God is doing

  1. Pray
    Pray that God will give you a new mindset and open your heart to see what He is doing. While being expectant for Him to move through people and places you least expect Him to.

  2. Submit
    Submit your worries and desires to God. Anything you put into the hands of God shows that you trust Him to take over and make it beautiful.

  3. Let go
    It is so easy to obsess over what we trust God with, but this shows you do not have any confidence in His ability to help you. Ultimately sis you are showing a lack of faith. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:30 that if God cares about the flowers of the field which is here today and gone tomorrow how much more will He care for you?

Open your eyes to the possibilities that God has in store for you. Don’t be afraid to act in faith. Your ability is not good enough to deal with that issue but there is a God who is able.

Grace and peace which is from Christ Jesus be with you all. Amen


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